Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hollywoodwatergate to Boston FBI ?,2011

on my way home, from NYC, to Ma. I got plagiarized ,&  I got ripped off ...illegally wiretapped by my OliverTwist relatives, in my siblings' family....,instead of wanting to be a 'star' singer -I should have did what THUG RELATIVES AND THEIR SLEEZE MAFIA did ,and ,marry down ,work the other side of the tracks -be willing to kill for property ,and snuff wittnesses, to beome a creative financial genius and, pillar of the community.
 This is my "Life-Estate"(picture below),aka , the Fays-Estate, in Lynn,Ma. The home my jealous siblings family swindled off me ...my grandmother(Ma, AKA, Helen Jane Charbeneau,my Moms' mom- was related ,to ,Sacajawea,THE Shoshone Indian, who was MY Great,GREAT, GREAT-Grandmother, through ,THE-William Charbenneau, (my grandparents changed their last name to the preferred English translation,of the French name ,Charbeneau,wh/ is  AKA , 'Coleman',Dad did the same changing his last name Nicolopoulas,to the English version Nichols,"to be more accepted" less predjudice) She was the "trailblazer",of the Lewis & Clarke trail ,as traced through the matriarchal lineage,
Ma,gave her home, to me ,so I'd ,"always have a home" she said....
,as far as :'Hollywoodwatergate', & , The Boston FBI? "You can bring a horse to water,but ,you can't mak'em drink"....so... I go to:the assistant special agent,Ms. Noreen Gleason,of: the Boston FBI , and she did nothing, so far....I needed her, to handle my siblings,and all their guilty filthy snuff artist cops,& family pals.... I told her that I had ,Oliver Twist relatives ! ,IE: ,IF YOU FAINT  -a family pal -x cop- embalms you- prints the death-certificate ,EXACTLY ,as family dictates what the causes of death are-rite there ,on the spot!!!!!UNDERSTAND?!(INFRASTRUCTURE)
 How can you be, in the Boston FBI network ,and ,not handle criminals like my siblings family ,aka my Oliver
Twist relatives?!-IE:the Twin horror show aka ,trog twins ,aka, the beast ,aka ,the black-hearted beasts ,Camile and Camella ,aka, killer cheerleader mom ,(my sister, in law ,Camile OF THE- thug twins Camile / Camella, and , an identical twin too!!!!!), and ,their 'off- spring', primate, aka, player/ pimp ,aka,total- moral idiot son, ted ,Jr.(my nephew) -who they want to take over all the income properties they killed for, so the A-moral retard can rein .I found out that their moral imbecile offspring only cries, when he can't rip me off!!! cause ;,THAT'S HOW THEY RAISED HIM!,....while serial moms' son- my other nephew THE YOUNGEST CALLED CHRISTOPHER THE ALMIGHTY LOOKS TO GRAB ANY PROPERTY LINKED TO ME LIKE IT'S A SECRET HUNTING TROPHY ,& steals my "image", to the T ,IE: MUSTACHE, BLACK HAIR ,ETC! IE:
www.paradox.nl/.../kunstenaars/sprinkle.html  ,&,muestramarrana.wordpress.com/.../
,&,I DID ,SO MUCH MORE! (G... Where's ,Chas Bono ,when you need'em?'dancing ,w/ the stars'?).
My brother, Ted,the psycho blob ,that everyone is afraid of.....,HE'S THE ORIGINAL giant jealous loser aka, fiend.....who was cut down to nothing ,in our moms'will down ,to 10%,!!, ,out of the usual equally devided 33.5%, for each of us 3 kids ,& that's b-cuz, him, and ,his former mob-moll -wife ,AKA, the beastly man-head ,AKA ,cave dweller,-who looks ,not unlike : Shrek3! IE:
-all my parents businesses ,their dream house STOPPING construction in Kissamee, Fla,and, grabbed my cluster-properties I got ,as filtered gifts ,IE:,on Kings Beach (11 new homes) ,in Swampscott-beach front PROPERTIES,plus- the triad-configuration of homes- I stupidly asked for -IE: I wanted it for all of us ,& asked for :3 homes -all around a baseball park ,w/a baseball diamond ,in the middle, by the beach ,and,bull head  Ted and, Mastadon Camile ,would have a home ,and 1, for  me, &,one for my parents,in Swampscott ,and, #20 Sutton Place wasn't even on any map ,yet !! ,so I got everything I asked for -doing those original secret rolls of songs =all hits,but ,-no one knew these bastards were screwing me like this all the while....the triad GIFT ,of homes, a store, and a park ,AND ,THE CLUSTER OF 11 new beachfront HOMES consisted of  #20 Sutton Place,Swampscott ,Ma.,01907,w/ my name on it-& that soon turns into:" Linda ,Cathy rather ",on the title ( AKA ,SERIAL-MOM),after mom's ,out of the picture -of course-,&,#24 Lodge Rd.Swampscott,Ma. was my home ,then, trog log sucker Camile ,squatted her fat AZ in it ,POOPED OUT A PRIMATE OFFSPRING ,AND ,PRESTO -SQUATTERS RITES-(NOW SHE HAS 2 HOMES NEXT TO EA.OTHER ,and, #10 Lodge rd. Swampscott,Ma. -was all I wanted ,for them ,for us to be together , (not give potatoe head Camile my home too,and, #10 lodge rd .),plus: I asked for ,and got -a little Christies-type' market on Humphry St. which was to come ,w/the triad setup of homes around the park &,THE STORE had to be rite,on the corner ,of Humphry, and Lodge Rd., just, so  mom and pop could ,always have a sandwich store -(food, in a storm,)&,RITE there ,on the corner !!!!Mind-you...this is all done ,Behind the scenes !....I wanted ALL THIS AND MORE  ,for dad, and ,mom, to be able to have their mom and pop sandwich store ,w/in the close triad ,of homes, and, PRIMATE-Camile ,AKA , slime ball, grabbed it ALL(COLLECTING ALL THE RENTS FILLING PLACES UP ,W/ HER STAR HOCKEY RUFFNECKS THREATENING MY DAD PAYING THE BEASTS NOT US-RENTS /BUYING OFF HER PRERECONSTRUCTION,THE S.O.B. WHILE SHES TELLING US ALL ITS BANKRUPT & I CANT AFORD MY GIFTS ,ESP.@ KINGS' BEACH NOW... ),....store- biz.,&,all ....(this is after THE BEAST  fanagled MY mom ,out of her Swampscot BeautyShop, too) ... So she's running, to, Jamaica,(WHILE SHE WAS alledgedly famously BLOWING: FANCY CLANCY ,X-CIA AGENT, & WRITER ,OR the-BIGAZZ LYNN-POLITICAN -SORRY....-I FORGOT ,which fancy-Clancy, it was now....),So ....IT'S ,JAMAICA ,SO she could get an , overnight presto-divorce ,&,quickie settlement, off my brilliant illustrious brother ,AKA, Booffo-Ted settled ,by handing my moms and dads store,over, to ,trog head!
OH YES- I SURELY  got WHAT I ASKED FOR -RITE ALONG- SHITTING THE SONGS OUT -LIKE A CONVEYER BELT !9(what a g.d.idiot!)- WHILE THEY WERE KILLING MY OPPORTUNITIES RITE ALONG,IE: filing ch11/13 bankruptcies- all over the place ,on me ,behind my back- which was "helping me", and, I didn't even have enough money to ever  file bankruptcy, after these jokers got thru ,w/ me,NOR- DID I EVER FILE, OR KNOW HOW TO FILE!
JAMAICA -THE ,ONLY PLACE IN THE WORLD ,according to these 2 advised financial geniuses- where  YOU CAN GET AN OVERNIGHT LEGAL DIVORCE , for financial genius reasons ,this was another routine, besides insurance games,and, wacking key people for property ,on their way up the ladder,everyone was so excited- they were bumping into one another- laffing ,and, hysterical ,all of these scheming geniuses were constantly ,@ this point -all over my dad -who couldn't control anyone -MY DAD WAS ALWAYS -arguing for me, openly ,and ,getting nowhere,rite up to the end....,he argued ,w/ STE. FRANCES,(loser brother-inlaw) ,CUZ, I WOULD'NT TAKE "THE FIX" ,AND, GO ,INTO BEING A COP ,IN HIS PISSANNY "POLICE PROMOTION EXAMS" -while LISPING CAPTAIN STE. FRANCES WAS  threatening MY DAD ,THAT HE WAS GOING ,to "shoot everyone ,if "my dad did'nt "squash any investigations",ESPECIALLY, WHEN jailed (FORMER FBI ),AGENT CONNOLY, AND, CONNERS, CAME INTO THE PICTURE ,&, U KNOW WHO CONNOLY, HELPED,(HE HELPLED HIDE ,WHITEY BULGER ),SO CONSTANTLY ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING ME -EVERYPLACE !!-WENT ON ,AND ,THEY GOT ALL MY SONGS, AND EVERYTHING ,& dad argued ,w/ the "Roxbury-boys,"AKA, THE TALENT ,of Whitey Bulgers' GANG, (SEE HARDCOVER BOOK CALLED: STREET SOLDIER,)
 ,that ,Bulger, and ,lisping ste. Frances, AKA, THE LATENT HOMO-LEADER BROT-IN -
MY DAD  even argued ,w/, Gottis', MAFIA team ,while, Serial mom was  swooning ,over the deals,& ,WHITEY Bulger.DAD fot , w/ moron Camile ,and, the huge mafia she dragged in- left and rite - EVERYDAY- I WAS THERE.DAD KNEW WHO WAS TAKING WHAT FROM ME ,IE : DICE CLAY(COMEDIAN)
This was, WHEN- I SHOULD HAVE BEEN FULLY RETIRED, @ AGE 26,AND, RETIRED AGAIN,and, again , WHEN Or, IF :God forbid-my MOM DIED ,instead ,of thinking, about my siblings,ALL THE TIME, and, THEIR family. I was already secure ,w/ ma's home(FAYS ESTATE) ,to always fall back ,on,but, -I EVEN WANTED ,GAIL, LOSER ,TEDS' -FIRST-WIFE ,TO HAVE A NEW 'KINGS BEACH HOME', TOO ,(2 BE BUILT FOR, GAIL -NEW-), W/ HER NAME ON IT, AND, THERE IS ONE ,W/ "GAIL", ON IT, NOW ,BUT... GOD KNOWS- WHO- IT REALLY IS ,OR WAS GIVEN TO AFTER ,CAMILE,(CAMILE'AKA supposedly, Gails' ,best-friend) TOOK HOLD,SO STUPID ME - I'm sharing the fruits of my labors ..."CASTING MY PEARLS ON SWINE "AGAINST WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS TO DO ....IE: GOD SAID : "DON'T CAST YOUR PEARLS UPON SWINE..."
Jack Nicholson ,and Warren Beady ,were solely interested, in meeting me ,and, I made my dad handle it ALTHO I DID MEET THEM IN PERSON AT HIS OFFICE AND AT 20 SUTTON PL SWAMPSCOTT,MA.,BUT I CUT IT OFF AND LEFT THEM ,W/ DAD during this time -BECAUSE, STUPID ME -I WANTED TO MEET WOMEN ! while ,CAVE THING Camile ,was setting up her ruff neck hockey stars ,in kings beach ,to takeovers ,and, she was seething- arguing ,w/ my dad saying:" your wife,think, about your wife, Bill..." that was an obvious 'veiled threat' ,that went rite over my head then,.......................CAMILE AKA THE KILLER CHEERLEADER MOM ,WAS ALWAYS LAFFING ,IN EVERYONES' FACE -WHICH STILL IS HER BIG bad-HABBIT.&,If you see how the fiend and, Beasts and, Lisping Saint Francis ,W/, the Bad Seed -all defend each other- while denying any accusations of "conspiracy" ( a SPECIFIC charge- they were all threatening my dad ,With) ,just ,by saying - they "hate each other", therefore ,there's "no-connection" ..(.more genius.)
You'd see what my real dreams and, goals should have been,instead of wanting be a "star" .
I should have wanted to be a  Loser, a cold az-snuff-artist -thief, OR con- willing to whack my way, into the luxuries ,and,/or ,TO the top ,&, SAY:" WHO GIVES A SHIT ,ABOUT ANY1 ! " ,that's who's a real star,.....,then I would have fit right in ,w/ my OLIVER TWIST- relatives ideas ,of 'a dream to be!'
NOW-no home-
no love in my life -
no luxery cars, trucks ,cycles ,NO MOBILITY -NO TRANSPORTATION ,
no credit -
  & NO KIND OF RESPECT OR independence ,
-no freedom-NO LOVED ONES ALLOWED (TROLLS ONLY )-no dreams allowed.-NO MONEY (singer 1950s ,Connie Frances, -would understand!?).MY SIB'S TOOK THE LOVE RITE OUT OF MY LIFE, AND, THEY HAD THEIR OWN life ,THEY HAD WHAT I HAD ,AND, DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL ANYONE! it was malicious/ premeditated ,since the beginning ....,but,IT WAS ALL UNNECESSARY.
Instead of accomplishments (they killed every single one of my dreams, & accomplishements )- I watched people die- trashed into the garbage -, and ,processed to their grave like "garbage "-scared ,laffed at ,& -terrorized ,by these MORONIC ghouls &, THEIR PALS,after us,
so for my talent- I got nothing ,
but ,plain garbage -
low life ,TERROR ,
and, a heap of shit -
A-NO- QUALITY- LEFT-Lifestyle , not worth living for ,w/ everyone killed....Not a dime,TO MY NAME- no intimacy - NO MOM ,no cars,trucks ,vans, boats ,bikes, planes ,girls- nothing,absolutely nothing,40 YRS., OF HIT- SONGS ,MORE ,THAN, PRESLEY !, I GOT NOTHING , but ,monsters flourishing around me - living in my houses ,homes, everything-even my life estate cheapened ,& ,taken away,
I live ONLY ,to free this story ,and, tell on everyone- every last G.D.DETAIL-
PROPERTIES I GOT were a sort of money-laundering -Real-estate ,INSTEAD OF the $5 MILLION ,or instead of paying taxs ,because "homeowning is being a tax payer ",so it was property instead of CASH/ CHECKS (,and ,I  always thot $5 million was an insult -,ESPECIALLY ,at the time -,ESPECIALLY ,for all I was doing ,TO BE A STAR ,NOT ,& I DIDNT WANT TO BE A STAR for Hollywood TO TAKE OFF ,W/ IT ,EITHER ). $5 MILL.AT A TIME,FOR SONGS RENDERED,FOR PLAGIARISM ,TO BE ASSIGNED,AS NUMBER ONE-TOP OF THE CHART HITS,FOR A MONOPOLY ,OF OVER 4DECADES,5 MEASILY MILL.$ ,NOW ,IN REALESTATE WAS A JOKE ,&,WHAT AN INSULT TO ME (MEASLY $5 MILL.),&,they squatted, in my home, UNTIL THEY GOT IT -COMPLETELY, IE: STARTING ,W/ LYNNFIELD #690 SALEM ST. ...CAMILE /Camella ,THE primate twins  HAD HER ENTOURAGE OF ASIANS ,ON MOMS' FAVORITE HOUSE, IN LYNNFIELD...MOM DIDN'T VALUE THE HOUSE FOR VERY LONG ,WHEN SHE ASKED ME TO LEAVE AND TRAVEL W/ HER ,AND FORGET THE HOUSE SHE SAID....(HER LAST WORDS) ,&,  #24 Lodge Rd.Swampscott,Ma.01907, ETC.
 -I WAS PUTTING OUT #1 ROLLS OF SONGS FASTER ,THAN ANYONE COULD PAYME...,& ,didn't they argue,w/ my dad, over it,till dad mysteriously died ,'natural- causes',& HIS last PHONE-call WAS ,to me- FOR ME, to hurry up and,  run over,there, from Fays ave LYNN,UP EASTERN AVE ,to 20 Sutton pl.Swampscott , NOW....( 5 min.AWAY ),and, suddenly -he was dead -they said, he "was dead ,for over 20 minutes" (a lie)- NO C. P. R.  BEING GIVEN.It was all about ,& OVER  their, 'teddy tenant's ',going after dad,& ,DAD WANTED TO DISCUSS something about that ,W/ ME IMMEDIATELY , AND, GIVE ME A LOAN $,( I WAS GIVING TEDS CAMILES TENNANTS A HARD TIME NOT COOPERATING OBVIOUSLY)...SO IT WAS CONCERNING DAD, and ,me, and MY mom  ,w/ me ,on the Fays Estate,....Camile ,THE-LOSER ,AKA ,MAN-HEAD,aka , SHREK3, -even wanted that house off me too,and, we were all now, @ the time of dads' strange death- jointly being  sued ,for $750 grand- apiece..I even left the Army (ACCEPTED TO THE D.O.D.NATIONAL DEFENSE DEPT .) leaving it due ,to this same problem ,w/ dads' call ,SO ,THAT WAS THE LAST TRANSACTION ,AND ,ARGUMENT, that my invincible, tough MILITARY VET., sargent /lt.,DAD, HAD ,W/ THE TROG TWINS ,(WHILE THE OTHER TROG-TWIN, Camella ,another Beast Head -WAS, ON REVERE BEACH ,W/ ,BILLY DOLAN ,same time -OWING HIM $150 GRAND LOAN -HE NEVER PAID) ,DAD was dead, in the street,FOUND ,BY THE DOCTORS HOUSE ON THE CORNER ,outside DR. YOUNGs' HOUSE( A DMD ), AT THE CORNER ,OF THE SUTTON PL.SWAMPSCOTT CULDERSAC ,AND ,ACROSS WHERE ,GEO.CLAY-MAN, OR,LENNY- CASH-MAN ,LIVED ,ON THE BEACHFRONT (MOMS' SECRET  HELPLESS-STANDINS REALLY  HATED, CASHMEN AND CLAYMEN ,CLAIMING  JEWISH MOB IS ALL THEY WERE -MAKING MY DAD AN ERRAND BOY ,FOR THEM ,FOR ,NOTHING).Dads' body lay rite there ,outside their homes ,in the street ,when I got there (LESS THAN 20 MINUTES ,SO HE COULDN'T HAVE BEEN "DEAD -20 MINUTES - , SO NO CPR NEEDED" = ...LIES ! ....)-,THE stinking cop around him was an alledged sibling male relative ,of THUG &,WHORE-MASTER ,CAMILE, -SMIRKING- GIVING no CPR -,and ,THAT CAVE- DWELLER ,Camiles' cop-brother,-was silly ,as hell -standing over his body.(I THOT HE WAS SILLY -FLIRTNG ,OR SOMETHING ...WHO KNEW?!)
 Me, mom, and, dad ,WERE BEING sued, BY FAMILY PALS,I lost dad ....WHILE THE ,bookie ,AKA THE - camile teddy tennants, finally got the house insurance maxed out ,and awarded to them ,thru Attorney Goldman,(THE- INFAMOUS ATTORNEY Goldstien ,or similar) ,of Boston = $ 350 grand ,to the bookie named: FESS-EN DIN.(TALK, ABOUT THE STE. FRANCES DEALS-"YOU DON'T NEED YOUR MILITARY MEDAL -- YOUR GRENADA CAMPAIGN MEDAL ,YOU KNOW....YOU'RE ALL DONE ,W/ SCHOOL...I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT...YOU'RE SISTER NEEDS THAT MEDAL NOW ,TO GET INTO STATE-POLICE"). ...
&,THE TENANTS NAME:'FESSENDIN',maybe,just a coincidence, but ....
END IN ,MEANS 'ENDING'- dont it? ,
("we're ,only trying to help you " ...),
the settlement was less than they demanded ,in the end -instead of the itallian villa ,on an island ,and almost $2.5plus million ,or the 3times $750 grand- they wanted ,they got the total maximum house insurance ,aka -they got the usual max-ins. routine-=more financial genius rackets(a bookie tenant- fixed ,as my tenant ,by the fiend ,and his beast- "trying to help me") even my phone was taken over,BY that 2nd- FLOOR.tenant,AT FAYS AVE ,Lynn,Ma.,w/constant dictating of numbers ,always wired into my phones' open-lines ,I got numbers ,not a dial tone, so I couldn't EVEN use it! .
Dads'" natural death" -was from what I could see ,in person ,at the scene  WAS-a broken nose -and, soaked, in his brown suit, up to his knees- while walking the dog,(THE YORKIE DOG HE NAMED, Lady,who ran home ,around the corner block- all by himself- alone.). I saw a snowball smashed neaby -trailing SALIENTLY , behind dads' head area, and, I thot I saw -a headwound too, but ,now I can't remember...,w/no other snow accumulated anywhere else near him ( ,SO WHY NOT WAIT ANOTHER DECADE OR MORE? ,then ask me as a witness)
Then....my devoted sadists Sib's"-burned the books",everything ,w/ my name on it ,IE:11 NEW HOMEs /INCOME-PROPERTIES ON NIRVANA DRIVE @  KINGS BEACH SWAMPSCOTT,MA .01907,RIGHT ON THE BEACH FRONT ,W/ # 30 & #34 @ THE ENTRANCE(ships watch) gifts (money laundering ) I got from the 2 stars who came,JUST to meet me for all the madonna songs I did etc....and ,thereafter family sibs (my D.V.S. domestic violent stalkers) ,put their snuff-artist cops I previously reported, in 1992, for triple homicide ,into#3a ,and#3b Nimitz way ,Salem ,MA.@Pick man-park -DUPLEX town-houses .Big-az SHREK3 Camile, &, Loser PSYCHO KILLER -Ted ,W/THAT ,AKA,  X-mol wife,of his aka TROG- Camile  ,stole IT ALL,off me-THEY STOLE  all the inherited and, owned duplex townhouses THERE (Salem,Ma.)OFF ME ,AND... MY PARENTS! ,Cheerleader killer mom ,AKA UGHGO-Camile ,planned, to, put her moral idiot son ,in my #  5a residence too ,and ,PUT MENTALLY CHALLENGED ,TED Jr .(MY ILLUSTRIOUS NEPHEW)NEAR A GIRLFRIEND OF HIS ,IN THE very  CORNER unit (ONCE MY DADS CORNER UNIT SAME SIDE AS 3A3B/5A5B,OVER 1/2 DOZEN UNITS THERE BUT MY DAD DIDNT LIKE IT AND WAS DISAPPOINTED IT WAS D-BEE ARZEE- MAFIA -LONG B4 LYNNFIELD AND THE 5 MILLION AND MY DISSAPPEARED MOTHER WAS DOUBLED)-SO WHILE I GOT RIPPED OFF ,OF #3A/B NIMITZ WAY (I OWNED IT SINCE A PRETEEN WHEN IT WAS BEING CONSTRUCTED I LOST IT TO CUNNING TED AND MANHEAD CAMILE ,in  "bad faith agreements ",w/ Attorney Sacher ,of Lynn,Ma.,He is ,another one who is afraid ,of MY IMBECILE BROTHER ,aka ,Ted -the Nymph-wad. THIS IS WHY I CAN'T GET ATTORNIES OR FBI ,TO DATE ,SUPPOSEDLY,-FOR FEAR OF THE GOON SQUAD /TED,W/ HIS SWOLLEN BULBUS FOR A BRAIN!.
THIS RIP-OFF WAS, JUST, So they could,PUT COPS-WHO KILLED MY 2 GIRLFRIENDS,IN PEABODY 1992,(KILLED RITE ,IN FRONT OF ME,),INTO MY RIPPED-OFF INCOME-PROPERTY,2be my "neighbors", to watch over me,& my girlfriend ,or ,to watch over me and mine ,or me -living in mom and dads pl. @ 5a & 5b Nimitz way,SALEM,MA.01970 PICKMAN PARK ,just for the purpose,of control ,and,to terrorize us (using hi -tech -harrassment, at times,that torture ,began, on my dad, as the first victim, of torture ,in Lynnfield,Ma.),I was removed,by gunpoint ,w/5 ARMED GUYS-CLAIMING TO BE PLAIN-CLOTHES COPS-SENT,w/ warrant ,by these siblings, aka domestic violent stalkers (DVS),& THERE WAS no warrant ! ,I ASKED ,AND ,SAW ONLY A Copy, OF A DC FAX- I SENT -TO FBI HEADQUARTERS-they had no warrant at all....THEY SECURED THE HOUSE AND STOLE AND BRAGGED OF STEALING 10 GRAND FROM THE MOMHOSTAGES SAFE WHILE THEY TOSSED ME IN SALEM CITY JAIL FOR NOTHING.
So........., their sadistic violence,TOWARDS ME, AND everyone,w/ me- escalated,into 1999 ,
It was then,that  they BLATENTLY  grabbed ANOTHER  'hostage' ,1999 aug 2nd,EVERYONE NOW SHOWING THEIR TRUE COLORS OPENLY ,VIOLENCE ESCALATING and,held her ,till 2008 ,and, buried her,as my mom, in secret ,for obvious reasons....,I was rushed,IN to A lock up, for about a year ,on CONSTANT BAZAAR ,INCOMING 209As, &, tons of false charges,& ,pushed ,into the street -LITERALLY-for what turned out to be ,over a decade ,I remained ,always ,ON FOOT,no way out,TO DATE!THE LITERAL STREET! I  went ,FROM THE BACK WOODS ,taken off by some unnamed persons, and released finally, to FAR OFF NASHUA ,N.H -STRANDED.... then ,to return, to Ma. only ,to sleep and live, in the Boston parks, and streets,THEN,INTO HORRID HORRIBLE SHELTERS,then ,TO THEIR REVERE "BED HOUSES" ,where I found MANY A LONG LOST FAMILY PON AND MANY PROCESSED INTO MY FAMILYS RACKETS IN REVERE -ALL THE " LOSE ENDS",& THERE WERE MORE MURDERS, OF THOSE POOR HAPLESS VICS ,ESPECIALLY THOSE KNOWN TO ME (ANYONE CLOSE OR OF SUPPORT TO ME OR A FORMER MOM PON) ,THEN FINALLY ,I ENDED UP NO CHOICE -RIGHT, INTO A : $200 Lynn,Ma.SUBSIDIE- NOW.CONVENIENTLY RUN ,BY family PALS - THE INFAMOUS DUMP ,NOT TRUMP ,TOWERS ,IN LYNN,MA. 01905 ,just ,TO CONSTANTLY CONVENIENTLY RE-CERTIFY ME -EA. YR.AND, PASS THE stately, RECERTIFICATION INFO. ON ,to my dedicated loving relatives ,TO KEEP VERIFYING ME, FOR THOSE VAGRANT MINDED VULCHERS ,AS:" INDIGENT "disabled ,&/or : DUALY-Incompetent - ,and ,IMAGINE THE NERVE I HAD, TO THESE ,OLIVER TWIST RELATIVES ,WHEN I was accepted, into the 6 yr premed Boston university PROGRAM THE ONLY ONE OF 6 COLLEGES ,IN THE COUNTRY  ,DIRECTED BY  DR ANASTASI ,and  my siblings' family went ,after MY BRAGGING RIGHTS -dad ,who was arguing, w/ them ,while they were rampaging ,about my college status, and what money I was using ,till, almost near my last year ,as a premed student dad was squeezed ,IN LYNNFIELD ,by Pissanny ste. Frances and cheerleader mom camile and camellas' thug side of the family and ,dad wrote ME a bad $1600 TUITION HELP check ,so no MORE -official transcripts -no year book pix-all for nothing -an empty fast dyploma cylender is what I  got at graduation for MY dad and mom-Career over ,and ,then to finish it off -my sister SERIAL MOM ,follows me- flashing her police badge- to a hospital staff- while I am at a checkup, and ,has me taken by security and surprize , for observation,till I had to scale down to a masters level -(DOWNGRADED, TO A MASTERS-LEVEL-DEGREE -WHICH MY COLLEAGUES WOULD HAVE SKIPPED  THE MASTERS LEVEL DEGREE, AS  DUMB  ,AND GO RITE ONTO A PHD &, GET AS MANY 'ADVANCED- CERTIFICATES' AS POSSIBLE ),-no Ivy-League college now -a public 4 yr.Public-State College,SALEM STATE ,THAT'S WHAT ALL MY INCOME EARNED ,AND, SONGS DID FOR ME,& MINE,...AND ,JUST, B4 THAT 'SSC-GRADUATON' WAITING FOR MY M.ED. AN INCIDENT- AN ASSAULT ,AND, I END UP ,W/ CHANGED LETTERS, AT THE LAST MINUTE ,WHEN I EARNED MY M.ED LETTERS.IT'S, ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE FAMILY PAL ROUTINE .
...and ,I saw more die, under their G.D.RUFF NECK NETWORKS ,& rackets,SINCE 1992 ,and ,don't say: Boston FBI Agent Gleason,can't handle IE: the trog twins' mother-who's alive and well (VS. MY MOM ),OR Piss-Annys/ste frances's Ma- Barker mom -alive and well too ,both of those healthy moms are richer for the first time in their lives ,BUT NOT MY MOM ,WHERES SHE ?ITS CERTAINLY, NOT MY BEAUTIFUL SLICK MOM BY MY SIDE -GOD,only knows-what happened, to my mom,when she argued,after that first$5 million that came,into Lynnfield,Ma.@690 Salem st.home -their mom,aka, moll marm/ den mother ,aka the ,Frankenstein the Fanny biz mom ,whose real name is: Fanny,&,how appropriate is ,that name?!-FANNY !-(the trog-twins'mom), in the prostitution-rackets, in Revere-marsh area,(where the bodies used to be dumped,till they expanded),and, that, included the infamous Revere beach area too , for over 40 years!IM SINGING WHILE THEYRE  RUNNING PRO RACKETS ,W/ THEIR FRIENDS AND THEFT RINGS -FORCING  pros rings,under their area control , into theft rings ! ,
Then..... there's my sister, aka ,serial mom ,aka, the bad seed(named after the 2 movies -titled :serial mom and ,the bad seed -"give me that medal " !!!!) (HER THEME-SONG: 'GIMMY THAT....GIMMY THAT ,GIMMY, GIMMY, GIMMY, THAT...' )serial mom  acted bold,as the cops -stalks &,kills, right ,in front of me ,& i wouldnt believe complaining screaming vicitms till i saw it w/ my own 2 eyes in TJMAX DEPT STORE  PEABODY 1999.
A cop- married to a cop -aka,Saint Frances aka,the Lisping Captain ,and,aka, latent homo leader, in Slummerville,Ma.( Winter Hill area ).....,BULGER, their big connection in all of this, since the beginning mid to late 70s .
Now can you imagine ,who was,at  my "moms'  " funeral?
-"HER CLOSEST -me -WAS NOT THERE,(I WAS ,NOT INVITED),I WAS CERTAINLY,Never NOTIFIED,AS THE VULCHERS WERE STILL SPENDING -BUT,....THE ATTENDEES WERE, in fact :IE: dirty cops -wh/ includes ,serial mom ,and ,Ste Francis,his Ma Barker LIVE AND WELL MOM , &,SPECIAL -COP PALS,& ,THEN THERE WAS THE EVER PRESENT mob beasts (THE IDENTICAL TWIN TROG SET) ,these rejects of the deseaced were all present ,ALTHO -
SHE ,aka ,the-DECEASED, AKA THE "MOM-HOSTAGE"aka vic. AND ,MY REAL MOM  CUT psycho,Ted, RITE-out ,of her will-
He was saliently present, in my much needed absence ...
.She cut out of her will- psycho ted,
and, the trogs ,
SHE MADE SURE I WAS TAKEN CARE OF ,AND SHE SET ME UP,FOR LIFE ,SAYING,very jealous WHAKY CATHY, AKA , serial mom -chose her life,and, ALL ,of them should be happy ,and satisfied ,cause ,they have their life ,and had their homes,and I was HER lifetime-companion,
The primate-offspring(&THERE SHOULD BE A LAW ,AGAINST OFFSPRING ,4TROGS -RITE?BUT THERE ISNT) was a nusense, to her,!
There they were
Prominent -front-row-&, CENTER-SEATS,&, all present- RIGHT UP 2 the grave hole,too
(&,what a relief that must have been,to have got away ,w/ this caper too ) -
ALL of them: very -hard working,-creative , -financial-geniuses ,-and,pillars of the community -
,all around her dead-body ,front row and center ...nice assembly.huh?!

I never left moms' side,the one time I did- I shouldn't have,-cuz,she was replaced -and gone -,never again to ask me,to leave everyone behind- and travel ,w/ her,-to " lose everyone on my coat tails"she said,-her last words and presence ,w/ me.
I was the one who ,always lived, w/ my parents ,never really married ,or had any reason ,to leave,but, this woman -they laid,in moms'grave,knowing-IT WASNT MOM, AND, THEY HAVE HER DEAD,
LIVING IT UP- pulling the crime of the century off ,and THEY HAVE MY MOM DEAD AND DUMPED SOMEPLACE - pulling the wool over everyones' eyes,IN BROAD DAYLITE!
This was a terrified woman (LIKE ALL THE OTHERS ,W/ ME)-who bought her time ,I saw her muscled -,by psycho Ted ,&the Beast,aka Man- head ,FORCING HER,-IN,FRONT OF ME ,to sign over # 29 DUNGEON AVE (THE 1999 RUSH RIPPOFF /CLEANUP) ,IN LYNN,MA.01905.(A HOUSE THEY ONCE BLEWUP THEMSELVES,W/9 STOLEN TIMEBOMBS -PLACING A FALSE FRONT PAGE COVER STORY IN TIME MAGAZINE MARCH 10TH 1973) #5A,and 5 B Nimitz way ,-the George-Town-gas station ,&, Mainsail St. P.S.L.,Fla.,-They were taking it all off, that hostage, me,and ,others too ...-,till she had bruises on her arms ,from being grabbed, fingermarks!  She kept saying:"what about LES?!",to these  laffing roughnecks ,ESPECIALLY ,at # 29 Dungeon ave Lynn ,Ma location -while I stayed in the car ,and she was manhandled- rushed in- the property -to FORCE-sign ,AGAIN AS ,IN FLA. ,agaisnt her will 1999.I KEPT WRITING; CALLING ;EVEN VISTING AND MAILING ,AND FAXING -BOSTON FBI ,AND ,WASHINGTON, DC HEADQUATERS,& DC CIVIL RIGHTS DIV. TO NO AVAIL.,till they offed her ,I kept asking ,for FBI help 1999-2008 ,ON HER ENDANGERED BEHALF ,& YOU CAN BET THEY STILL HAVE SOMEONE ELSE NEXT ,FOR INSURANCE AGAINST ME TALKING OR IN CASE OF THEIR ARREST ,ALWAYS THREATENING....ALWAYS LOSERS-TAKE THE POLYGRAPH AND FESS UP-CRIPES! -I could see we were still surrounded by currupt dirty cops -some transferred into the Salem DA office of DO NOTHING Blodgett,in Salem, Ma.Essex county, so it only made things worse' to tell '....but ,everyone left every vicitm, to my criminal sibling family,and,psycho Ted,and Serial mom said, SPONTANEOUSLY , to scare us all: "you're mom's dead",..,&,their intentions were always obvious and malicious ,from beginning to end....
To this day -NO-ONE -WILL EXHUME THE BODY, TO PROVE I'M RIGHT(see gravesite pix below)!-WHERE'S,AGENT ,GLEASON ? ,plus -these are siblings who grabbed everyone close to me -all my property ,EVEN MY GOLD TEETH &MY LITTLE DOG TOO! keeping everything about my original-hit songs- a nasty big secret ,passing me off as a joke, and nuts ,especially rite up to the present time which is overkill,and, while I only managed ,thru my parents, to meet 2 huge stars ,INITIALLY,Jack Nicholson and,WARREN.Beady -
SIBLING-FAMILY KEPT handing everything ,over, to mob ,especially ,THE BAD SEED -she loved being a traitor to me ,the  SAME BAD SEED who"wanted to marry ,Whitey Bulger",if he "wasn't too old for her"..TEASED BY HER HUSBAND ABOUT IT IN FRONT OF ME AND DAD ....& DAD WASNT LAFFING OR JOKING
  To this day -I
can't even leave a note or photo ,or flowers, on HER -("MOM"s'). grave-site ,w/out someone stalking,& stealing it,IE; not un-like the framed autographed picture of the ch.7 news team ,w,a signed, Katey Corric smiling picture,or IE: the fresh lillies I placed on the grave 3 days b4 Easter ,for:" the resurrection of the body" (THEY KNOW I'm religious -even tho they called me "a Satin worshiper", to STEAL my little dog I just bot 7wks.OLD ,&, LOCK ME UP ,ON EVEN MORE FALSE BIZAAR CHARGES ),but, I did manage this ,
see the wooden-cross- 1999-2008(It stands for  " mob related kidnapped victim" ,of 1999, to 2008).
"thanks, for helping me ,w/ this matter"sincerely , ..

to be continued .....


  1. I am not sure right now if the fbi inboston has any right to not reply to my staements sent to them ,not once was i ever responded to except once when i sent info to fbi headquarters washington dc and said are there any leaks? and no was the signed reply.My current question to agent gleason is do you intend to indict and if so you need me to do it and i am getting ready right now for your response.....the case of hollywoodwatergate as a whole is so agredious ....for fbi to allow a dying woman to be held hostage and die in their creepy hands is another crime.remember they took her prisoner by force in 1999 when they took over my life and hers by force.we are victims suffering and dying by their doings and in their hands and nothing so far is being done to stop or arrest them ,if i am so "sketchy" what the hell will fbi & EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS look like, if I AM NOT!

  2. LONG BLOGG -I DONT KNOW HOW I CAN SAY THIS STUFF..My loving family who wanted "to help me" & had their unscrupoulas dr. ferril (he invented "ferril-woman" i'm sure),called me "DEGENERATE", FOR 8 pages ,of my permanant- record ,after all my work ,contribution, sacrifices, goals,& highest aspirations,,So my Oliver Twist relatives wanted to rewrite history &,they did along ,w/ many plagiarists who already did ,IN ONE DAY!!!!
    -I hope you "potential suicide victims" keep it in mind -you never know -good or bad -what's ,around the corner-IE:AS 1 OF MY OLD favorite song SAYS (WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES): http://youtu.be/OmBxVfQTuvI
